11月4日,应伟德betvlctor1946邀请,卡内基梅隆大学张坤副教授于长清湖校区文宗楼506会议室做了题为“Learning Causality and Learning with Causality: A Road to Intelligence”的学术报告。报告会由伟德betvlctor1946副院长孙建德教授主持,学院部分教师、硕博士研究生聆听了此次报告,并参与讨论。
KunZhang is an associate professor in the philosophy department and an affiliate faculty member in the machine learning department at CamegieMellon University, and a senior research scientist at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent System,Germany. His research interests lie in machine learning and artificial intelligence especially in discovery,causality-based learningand general-purpose artificial intelligence. He develops methods for automated causal discovery from various kinds of data, investigate learning problems, especially transfer learning, concept learning, and deep learning, from a causal view, and study philosophical foundations of causation and various machine learning tasks. He coauthored a best student paper for UAI and received the best benchmark award of the causality challenge, and has served as an area chair or seniorprogram committee member for major conferences in machine learning or artificial intelligence including NeurlPS, UAI, ICML.AISTATS. AAAI, and IJCAI. He has organized various academicactivitiesto foster interdisciplinary research in causality.