

昆士兰大学Hongzhi Yin博士应邀来我院作报告

  • 日期:2019年11月28日 09:15
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11月27日,应伟德betvlctor1946邀请,昆士兰大学Hongzhi Yin博士于长清湖校区文宗楼506会议室做了题为“Responsible and Sustainable Big User Data Intelligence From Values to Costs”的学术报告。报告会由伟德betvlctor1946朱磊教授主持,学院部分教师、硕博士研究生聆听了此次报告,并参与讨论。

报告会中,Hongzhi Yin博士首先介绍了位于澳大利亚的昆士兰大学与自己所取得的各项学术成就,并鼓励同学们积极投身科研。其次Hongzhi Yin博士介绍了他目前所做的推荐系统研究方向,包括电商实时销售预测系统、乘客需求预测系统以及社交网络推荐系统等。最后着重介绍了他最新研究的在线推荐系统,该系统融合了多种算法,与大型电商平台进行合作,相较于以往的推荐系统具有显著的优势。

在报告会交流环节,Hongzhi Yin博士对同学们提出的问题进行了详细的解答,使同学们受益匪浅。通过此次报告会,我院师生对推荐系统研究方向有了新的认识,对今后的科学研究有着一定的引导意义。

Dr Hongzhi Yin is a senior lecturer (equivalent to Associate Professor in North America) with the University of Queensland and the winner of Australian Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (equivalent to NSF CAREER award in North America). He has been focusing on creating big commercial and social values from big user data and sensor data by developing innovative machine learning, data mining and database techniques, including deep learning, spatial temporal data mining, probability graphical model, recommender systems, social media analytics and mining, time series data mining and prediction, network embedding and mining, and smart sales and smart transportation. He has published 110+ papers and won 5 Best Paper Awards such as ICDE' 19 Best Paper Award and ACM Annual Best Computing Award as the main author, and most often research works have be punished reputed Journals and top international conferences including VL DB Journal, ACM TOIS, IEEE TKDE, ACM TKDD, ACM TIST, SIGMOD, SIGKDD, PVLDB, ICDE AAAI, WCAI, SIGIR, WWW, ICDM, ACM Multimedia and CIKM.
